Transition of Guru Bhagawan (Jupiter) from Makara Rasi to Kumbha Rasi (From Capricorn to “Aquarius ) on Saturday 13th November, 2021at 6.10 P.M.- Mahanyasa Rudrabhishekam, Navagraha Homam and Nakshtra Shanti Homam has been arranged on this day. There are certain rasi’s to be taken care in transit is: Rishabham,Katakam, Kanni,Vrishkam, Makaram.”

“In order to Mitigate the Evil Effects and to Enhance Good Influence,It is recommended for those who are affected to participate in Religious Functions performed at our Mattham.”

Sri Sankara Mattham has arranged special Religious Functions on this day.All Devoteesare requested to participate in the programmes and be the recipient of the blessing of Lord Guru Bhagwan.

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Avahanthi Homam
is performed to invoke the blessing of goddess Annapoorani to provide food, good agriculture yield, economic growth & increase unanimity that leads to great relations amongst people.
Ayusha Homam
Ayusha means age and ayusha homam is performed for a healthy long life and for removal of difficulties from life. This is performed usually on the naming ceremony of a newly born child, wishing for his/her wellness and having a happy life forever. On this homam the god of life i.e.Ayur Devatha is worshipped.
One of the important pooja which is performed for Lord Shiva. The main part of this pooja is the chanting of Rudram which is hailed by all Vedic scriptures as one of the greatest Puja. The puja wipes out all sins and purifies the negative energy in and around the person. It also removes all sorts of planetary problems or doshams.
Suryanamaskaram with pongal
This is a special event only during the month of Mandala where you can perform suryanamaskaram in the temple premises and offer Pongal prasadam from your end to the deity and also the same would be distributed to other devotees in the temple.
Archana is nothing but offering the prayer to the god or any specific deity by giving your identity i.e. name, starand gotra. The panditji or vadhivyar takes your name and offers flowers and Prasad to the lord. This is done specially on days where you want to pay obeisance istadevta or deity whom you worship
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